Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Atroxity, Animation, and Going Around the Sun

How was everyones Thanksgiving!?

If you answered "Food Orgy" we probably went to the same family dinner. Incredible food, great fun, and wonderful times seeing the family again, especially my brother, sister, nephews, and parents.

Now that the family is gone, I decided to get back on the blog and keep updating it, hopefully better than I have been.


Every Monday now a new page of Atroxity, the web comic I've been working on, comes out so go check it out already!

If you don't know, Atroxity is a gritty noir-style graphic novel about a mans journey through a strange city. I can't give away too much but it's good, especially well written by Bill Salisbury, who I work closely with to bring the city to life.

Things have been going quite swimmingly with Atroxity if I do say so myself. We fell behind on our buffer during the holiday, so were playing catch-up but everything's looking great! Traffic is still low but slowly climbing every day, so maybe we can actually make a living doing this one day! Once Chapter 1 is finished were going to make a big advertising campaign to push more readers our direction, hopefully kick up a real following.


I've been actively improving my animation and rigging skills by rigging and animating a simple but fun robotic arm. I have an idea of what to use him for but I'll save that explanation for later. Right now I have a great test animation for you, which has been rendered out and awaiting my sound design so keep an eye out for that.

So far it's UV layout is ready for texturing so that will be my next step, which brings me to my next work.


This is my refresher on texturing, which is a simple soda can so I'm not really pushing it. What I am pushing is rigging this can to deform and "crush" so I can use it later for something, maybe another fun short with the arm rig? Oh the possibilities.

The texture I have now is too low res. so I'll need to change that, but it's still a ton of fun.

I also made it around the sun again a few days ago, so I've got that going for me...

I hope I didn't forget anything.

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