Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I know I've been gone for a while. Finals can do that to a guy, especially when you're graduating at the end of the quarter. But I have graduated! Lee Alailima-Rose is now a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Animation!

My Senior Film is complete! It's a big file, being in HD and all that jazz, so I'll be posting the video up soon if Youtube or Vimeo stop being crazy and rejecting my formats. As soon as it's up I'll have a nice description, journey, process and all that fun stuff in the next post.

I am now packing up my apartment and selling all my stuff, leaving little time to creating. I'll be on my way to New Haven, Connecticut, to begin teaching "Architecture" and "3D Visual Effects" classes at Yale's summer program. More on that later.

Otherwise, all is well. Sorry about not posting, but transitions like these are pretty hectic. More coming soon, I need to keep packing. But I leave you with a fun picture of me, my senior film "Oculus", my alter ego "Lilo", and "Iggy" from Explo at Yale.

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