Sunday, April 29, 2012

Everything you need to know about Triceratops Bone Axes, Teaching at Yale, 3D Animation, Battlestar Galactica, and Being Human

Alright alright, I haven't been keeping up the blog but for good reasons!
     Reason #1: I am swamped with my 3D animated short! I have to make this minute and a half long animation all by myself and its proving to be tougher than anticipate, even as simple as it is. I will try to update the work on the blog as much as possible, but I'm not finished with the rendered look so you'll have to wait. The animation is done though!
     Reason #2: I am planning to teach two classes and four sections of it over the summer at Yale! The subjects are 3D Visual Effects (Basics of Maya) and Architecture (basically Graphics of the Building Arts with some model making). I need to make activities, lectures, and other teacher stuff to convey these subjects gradually over the course of a few weeks, and it's a lot harder than it looks! Though I know it's going to be fun!
     Reason #3: Me and my girlfriend like to live life and do things. I regret nothing.

     Reason #4: Video games are the bane of my existence and eat all the down time I have. And if it's not video games, it's Battlestar Galactica with the girlfriend. Again, I regret nothing. I believe to be a whole and balanced human being you need to spend your time NOT working, even if you love your work and desperately want to be successful at it. Sure you gotta sacrifice a lot to make your goals, but there are some things I love that I can't sacrifice and that includes people and things I care about. That's what being human is about.

     Okay, now that I've lectured you on my life and philosophy, here's a little bit of work I made to return a favor for a friend. He'll be modeling it so I'm excited to see the end product.

     It started off as an "organic" and "animal" inspired sword. I thought of conventional weaponry and traditional swords based on organic shapes and animals, then it turned into an actual "organic" and "animal" swords using bones from rhinos, sharks, platypus, and even a mole rat. You cant blame him for going for the bone weapons, they are cooler than the metal weapons. Here's some art for your faces.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Inquisitor

More art for your faces. It was fun making this and I feel like my digital painting is slowly getting better.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Iron Samoan Concept

So I'm being bad and siphoning work time away from my Senior Film to up my drawing skills. I regret nothing. I have installed Maya on my computer though so thats a plus. I'm going to try making rough 3D environments and assets, rendering them, then paint over them. Should be a great time for all.

This is the Iron Samoan, a concept I came up with wondering what would Samoans be like if they got their hands on iron ore back in the iron age. And so I built a whole universe around it, creating a journey this warrior goes through to prevent the end of the world, which is not a planet at all! Spoilers!

Anyways, heres some art for your faces.

Monday, April 9, 2012

New Senior Film: Short and Sweet

Hey, working on the senior film, but I cut it down a lot, like no Sputnik or Laika, just drones and a rock. Not as cool but I had to make cuts to make the time limit.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sputnik and Laika Quick Sketch

Here's the first frame of my storyboard for Sputnik and Laika. It's intended to be quick and show mood, color, and composition. Because of how quickly I need to make this 3D short the rest of the storyboards are going to look the same.

Environment for Sputnik and Laika

Here's a first render for Sputnik and Laika I made today.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Quick Hitchcock Color Sketch

Because I was so upset I don't have time to make concept art, i decided to do a quick 15 min paint-over on a Hitchcock film frame, thanks to the recommendations of my professor. This is a frame from "Vertigo".
Unfortunately I've been really busy with my 3D animated short, so I can't find time to do any significant art other than my sketchbook. I might post that soon though.

This here is the drone for my film. Over the weekend I UVed, textured, and rigged this bad boy so I'm pretty happy. Next up, Sputnik!