Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Graphic Design Work

Hello minions,

Here is a collection of graphic design work I've been doing on the side, some include 3D!


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015

Sputnik Development

It's been a while, and I don't have much time to report all that I've been up to, but LOOK AT THE PRETTY THINGS!

Here's a render test of the facial rig on Sputnik! Just a few emotions required for a robot to express herself.

Take a look at the Alien Spaceship and Dropship rig I made for the Dropship previs in my last post.

Alien Fighter Rig Test from Lee Alailima-Rose on Vimeo.

Now that I finished the Dropship previs, I'm going to get that Sputnik rig textured and ready for action!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Telltale Games Art Test

Hey there, I see you're back for more,

So Telltale Games is looking for a Cinematic Artist and have an art test in their application. Basically they give you a script and some audio dialogue and you have to build and shoot a rough sequence with rough animation and the like. They also recommend you do it within 16 hours. Challenge ACCEPTED!

So I've completed this art test within 18 hours, with an approximate breakdown that looks like this:
-Thumbnail storyboards: 2hrs
-Scene building and rig troubleshooting: 2hrs
-Animation and Camera Layout: 10hrs
-Editing and Sound: 3hrs
-Final/Last Minute Edits: 1hr

Here's the rough storyboards:
And here's the art test, enjoy:

Sam and Max Art Test: Telltale Games: Lee Alailima-Rose from Lee Alailima-Rose on Vimeo.

Monday, June 16, 2014

More Sputnik and Laika Mock Ups

Hey Guys,

Just working on the environments of the Sputnik and Laika film. Rough layouts, but it really helps put things into perspective, figuring out what we need to spend time on and not. I guess thats the whole point of previs isnt it?

Also a bit of animation to test the Sputnik previs rig. Rough, yes, but its a start.
Back to work!
