Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mass Effect 2 Go-Karting!

In celebration of the upcoming Mass Effect 3 game, I wanted to base a Go-Kart design on the Normandy. It's meant to be used in a Mario Kart style game and driven by none other than Jeff "Joker" Moreau. It's basically a smaller version of the Normandy with a carved out driver seat. The wheels are derived from the floating transparent panels seen in-game. This particular paneling is from the combat drones, as they were the coolest looking wheels. Definitely a fun an quick project.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jobs and Vehicles

I've been slacking on my work to be honest. I was preparing for the career fair yesterday. You know, organizing work, printing flatbooks, getting packages ready to go to employers. The job hunt never ends.

I've realized how many people show up to these things with almost nothing, pretty much polluting the lines to see these employers just to be sent away feeling shot down. Sorry people, but you cant hold out your hand and ask for a job without even a resume, let alone work, to show them. And no, your collection of stapled papers with doodles on them does not count either. Meanwhile I need to stand an hour in line while they all get weeded out just to speak to one person.

When I actually spoke to people, I got some good leads from all the prestigious companies there. The employers were really impressed with not just my work, but the speed I do it and the process I take to get there, not to mention my graphic design skills in making a matching set of business cards, resumes, flatbooks, and websites.

Speaking of designs, I quickly made these concepts for my next project, as I have to leave for my job in 15 minutes. Lets try and combine Mario Kart with Mass Effect...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We Strike at Dawn!

This is an environment made for the "Transcendence" concept. You probably may recognize it from the speedpainted environments further down. Done in about 3 or 4 hours, I had lunch in the middle. The colors are a little weak in the rendering, I still need to practice speedpainting color, but I like it nonetheless.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Pyrotechnic Pack

Just finished putting together the concept art for a Team Fortress 2 weapon pack. Hopefully if I have the time I can model this myself and send it in, hopefully retire early on royalties of a multimillion dollar online multi-player goldmine. Oh dreams. Lets see if I can squeeze it in with my 40 hour server workweek, classes and classwork, senior film, sleeping, and eating.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day as an Art Director

We had a quick fire challenge in class where I was given the title of Art Director and assigned a team of concept artists to pitch two movies in one. I was given "The Wizard of Oz" and "Aliens" to mash together and re-pitch within two hours with concept work to support.

"How" you ask? Well that's where I come in. I called the team together and gave them my concept;

"Dorothy" along with her squad of roughneck space marines "Lion", "Tinman", and "Scarecrow", are the lone survivors of their frigate "Kansas" crash landing on an alien planet after a warp malfunction while escorting a top secret science vessel, "The Emerald" carrying the first bio-cybernetic intelligence "Oz". Surviving the crash with them is their captain "Glinda" who is fatally wounded and unable to move. "Glinda" gives the final orders to the squad to find "Oz", who should be able to repair and run "The Emeralds" warp drive.

As "Dorothy" rounds up the surviving squad with her hovering assistant droid "T.0T.0" on her way to "The Emerald", the alien inhabitants, the "Flying monkeys" and other evolutionary variants led by their hive mind "Wicked Witch", begin to hunt and assimilate the pockets of survivors, capturing them in egg sacks as they become hosts to alien spawn. "Wicked Witch" captures "Dorothy" and her squad and tries to assimilate them to understand their technology and the presence of "Oz". Defeating the "Wicked Witch" and escaping the hive, "Dorothy" and her squad make it to "The Emerald" and discover that "Oz" has been observing and facilitating the alien assimilation process of the science crew, creating monstrous hybrid "munchkins" and actually caused the warp drive malfunction to escape further experimentation. With reasoning and wit along with careful reprogramming, "Dorothy" manages to change "Oz"s mind about helping them and activate the advanced repair protocol of the science vessel, all the while defending it from the alien horde until warp activation.

Due to the lack of proper shielding during the warp, "Dorothy" and her squad do not recall clearly what happened and how they ended up in an escape pod drifting in friendly space without "Oz". The whole ordeal was reported to be warp drive malfunction, shielding failure, and pirate attack, with complete loss of "Oz". "Dorothy", however, still remembers moments before they jettison the escape pod the vision of "Oz" conversing with the captured "Wicked Witch" hive mind surrounded by glass chambers filled with "munchkin" hybrids.

Pretty crazy, but here's the work that came of it.

I designed "Oz"(supercomputer), "Lion"(heavy weapons specialist), and "Scarecrow"(infantry).

The rest of the work I delegated to the crew depending on their strengths, style, and preference. I won't go into what's what but I'm sure creative minds loke yours can figure it out.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Boomstick

Just made another piece of the project. It's a shotgun that instead of shooting from the actual gun, the spread is a bunch of firework rockets. It's a one-shot weapon and needs to be reloaded each time but it packs a huge punch and sets enemies on fire.

Friday, February 10, 2012


A little weapon project I'm working on. A shot in the dark but you might find it somewhere in the future. I didn't have much time today after work so I did as much as I could. I wish I had more time to do art as my current job is draining my time and energy.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sketchbook Update

Here's a look into the latest work of my current sketchbook, "Icarus". I bid him farewell as I just filled the last page, and opened a brand new sketchbook today. Not sure what name I'll christen this one with, but I think it's a she this time. Enjoy the work.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Art Blog!

Instead of trying to update my website every time something new happens, I figure it would be easier to maintain a blog. Not much to talk about really. Just doing a lot of concept art. Here are some I made today.